The Fort Stockton Church of Christ family is working together seeking to return to the teachings and practices of the New Testament. It is our mission to restore New Testament Christianity in the 21st Century. We are dedicated to the Great Commission. We want to reach out to as many as we can with the Good News of the Gospel of Christ (Matthew 28:18). We also want to provide an atmosphere where each and every member of the body of Christ can be built up and grow to become a prepared people, eager to do works of service (Ephesians 4:12).
Many of us came from different religious, cultural, and economic backgrounds. However, we have been drawn together to seek the unity the Lord Jesus prayed for in John 17. Therefore, we desire to cast aside manmade traditions that keep us apart and to cling to the written word of God that will draw us closer to our Lord and to one another.
The 1st Century church struggled with cultural issues. Jew-Gentile relationships were the heart and soul of much of the discussion in many of the New Testament letters. These Christians were able to work through all these issues and become a united, dynamic force for God in the 1st Century. Our desire is to provide the same environment today, free from cultural distinctions, which will allow us to grow as God expects us to grow.
We are simply Christians trying to follow in the footprints of Jesus. Though we are imperfect, our Savior Jesus Christ, is perfect. We try to base our faith and practice on the written word of God -- the Bible.
One motto we share from our Restoration Movement heritage is:
In matters of faith, unity.
In matters of opinion, diversity.
In all things, love.
May God help us to be one people in His Son as we strive to reach these goals.